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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Lists commonly are found in documents, including web pages.  They are an easy and effective way to itemize such things as elements, components, or ingredients.
Words or phrases which need to be set apart from the rest of the body of text can be emphasized with a “bullet” (a heavy dot used for calling attention to a particular section of text).  An empty tag called a “list” tag is used to do this:
  • <LI>: creates a bullet in front of text which is to be set apart for emphasis and causes all text after it to be indented, either until another list tag is detected or until the end of the list is reached.  It is used to itemize elements of “unordered” and “ordered” lists. Note:  A <BR> tag is not inserted at the end of an item beginning with a <LI> tag, as a line break automatically occurs at that point.
Since a list tag is an empty tag (that is, there is no negating counterpart </LI>), and since it indents the text following it, it cannot be alone; otherwise, the entire remainder of the document would be indented. Therefore, list tags (<LI>) must be incorporated between two non-empty tags.  One such pair of tags is called “unordered list” tags:
  • <UL>unordered list</UL>: delineates a list, where the items are generally of equal importance and do not need to go in any particular order.  Each item begins with a <LI> tag.  Unordered lists may be nested inside unordered lists or inside any other types of lists (one list inside of another list inside of another list).  A line space automatically is inserted before and after an unordered list (that is, an entire line is skipped between an unordered list and any text before and after it), except for (on most browsers) a list nested within another list.
The initial <UL> tag may contain within it this parameter as part of the command:
  • TYPE="DISC"|"SQUARE"|"CIRCLE": designates the appearance of the bullets preceding the listed items.  Many browsers support only the "DISC" attribute.    "DISC" causes each bullet to appear as a solid, round disc.
       "SQUARE" causes each bullet to appear as a solid square.   (Many browsers do not recognize the "SQUARE" attribute.)
       "CIRCLE" causes each bullet to appear as an empty circle.   (Many browsers do not recognize the "CIRCLE" attribute.)
    Note:  On some browsers, "DISC" is the default bullet.  On other browsers, "CIRCLE" is the default bullet.
Here, items in an unordered list are accentuated: <FONT SIZE="4"><P>During a routine eye examination, a pathology within the body sometimes can be detected in the eye, especially if the disease process is in a moderate to advanced stage.  Here are 2 such cases, along with their intraocular signs:
<LI><I>diabetic</I> retinal signs:
<LI>CSME (clinically significant macular edema)
<LI>cotton wool spots (infarcted areas)
<LI>neovascular formation
<LI>blot and dot hemorrhages
<LI><I>hypertensive (high blood pressure)</I> retinal signs:
<LI>blood vessel crossing defects (arteries compressing veins)
<LI>exudative changes in and around the macula ("star-burst" pattern)
<LI>narrowing of retinal arterioles, including the "boxcar" effect
and would be marked up like this: During a routine eye examination, a pathology within the body sometimes can be detected in the eye, especially if the disease process is in a moderate to advanced stage.  Here are 2 such cases, along with their intraocular signs:

  • diabetic retinal signs:
    • CSME (clinically significant macular edema)
    • cotton wool spots (infarcted areas)
    • neovascular formation
    • blot and dot hemorrhages
  • hypertensive (high blood pressure) retinal signs:
    • blood vessel crossing defects (arteries compressing veins)
    • exudative changes in and around the macula ("star-burst" pattern)
    • hemorrhages
    • narrowing of retinal arterioles, including the "boxcar" effect
  • Note:  If circular bullets and/or square bullets do not appear in the example above, then your browser does not recognize the "CIRCLE" bullet attribute and/or the "SQUARE" bullet attribute.

List tags (<LI>) also may be incorporated within another pair of non-empty tags, called “ordered list” tags:
  • <OL>ordered list</OL>: delineates a list, where the items are in sequential, numerical order.  Each item begins with a <LI> tag.  Ordered lists may be nested inside ordered lists or inside any other types of lists (one list inside of another list inside of another list).  A line space automatically is inserted before and after an ordered list (that is, an entire line is skipped between an ordered list and any text before and after it), except for (on most browsers) a list nested within another list.
The initial <OL> tag may contain within it this parameter as part of the command:
  • TYPE="I"|"A"|"1"|"a"|"i": designates the appearance of the numbers preceding the items in the list and, therefore, is conducive to building an outline using nested ordered lists.    "I" causes the items to be numbered I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, etc.
       "A" causes the items to be numbered A, B, C, D, E, F, G, etc.
       "1" (the default) causes the items to be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.
       "a" causes the items to be numbered a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc.
       "i" cause the items to be numbered i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, etc.
In an ordered list, the list (<LI>) tag may contain within it this parameter:
  • VALUE="1"|"2"|"3"|...|"N": immediately changes the number of that item to the Nth term of that particular numbering type.  For example, VALUE="4" would label that item in the sequence as follows:    for TYPE="I" that item would be “IV”;
       for TYPE="A" that item would be “D”;
       for TYPE="1" that item would be “4”;
       for TYPE="a" that item would be “d”;
       for TYPE="i" that item would be “iv.”
This is how items in an ordered list may be enumerated: <FONT SIZE="4"><P>As listed in the <I>Jackson Heights Journal</I>, Jackson Heights Middle School ranked <B>5th</B> in the city-wide achievement test given last week:
<LI>Oakfield Middle School
<LI>Tod Hastings
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#3)
<LI>History (#2)
<LI>Science (#2)
<LI>Bonita Chavez
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#1)
<LI>History (#4)
<LI>Science (#3)
<LI>Parkview Mid-High
<LI>Jacque Russell
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#2)
<LI>History (#5)
<LI>Science (#4)
<LI>Dwayne Clancy
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#4)
<LI>History (#7)
<LI>Science (#1)
<LI VALUE="5">Jackson Heights Middle School
<LI>Christine Quon
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#7)
<LI>History (#6)
<LI>Science (#5)
<LI>Roger Dietz
<OL TYPE="1">
<LI>Math (#5)
<LI>History (#8)
<LI>Science (#7)
and would appear like this: As listed in the Jackson Heights Journal, Jackson Heights Middle School ranked 5th in the city-wide achievement test given last week:

  1. Oakfield Middle School
    1. Tod Hastings
      1. Math (#3)
      2. History (#2)
      3. Science (#2)
    2. Bonita Chavez
      1. Math (#1)
      2. History (#4)
      3. Science (#3)
  2. Parkview Mid-High
    1. Jacque Russell
      1. Math (#2)
      2. History (#5)
      3. Science (#4)
    2. Dwayne Clancy
      1. Math (#4)
      2. History (#7)
      3. Science (#1)
  3. Jackson Heights Middle School
    1. Christine Quon
      1. Math (#7)
      2. History (#6)
      3. Science (#5)
    2. Roger Dietz
      1. Math (#5)
      2. History (#8)
      3. Science (#7)

Sometimes, it is helpful to include a glossary of terms in a document, which is accomplished with non-emptydefinition list” tags:
  • <DL>definition list</DL>: delineates a list, where the items are individual terms paired with their definitions, and each definition is indented and placed one line down from each term.  Definition lists may be nested inside definition lists or inside any other types of lists (one list inside of another list inside of another list).  A line space automatically is inserted before and after a definition list (that is, an entire line is skipped between a definition list and any text before and after it), excluding a list nested within another list.
  • <DL COMPACT>definition list</DL>: same as <DL> & </DL>, except each definition is placed on the same line as each term.
Within the definition list are terms, each marked with an emptydefinition-list term” tag, as well as the actual definitions of the terms, each marked with an emptydefinition-list definition” tag:
  • <DT>: creates (but does not place bullets in front of) terms included in a glossary or definition list.
  • <DD>: indents (but does not place bullets in front of) definitions of terms in a glossary or definition list.
Here is a short list of common Internet terms: <DL><FONT SIZE="4">
<DD>Hypertext Markup Language
<DD>Transfer Protocol
<DD>File Transfer Protocol
<DD>Hypertext Transfer Protocol
<DD>Uniform Resource Locator (= web address)
<DD>World Wide Web</FONT>
and how this list would look on a browser:
Hypertext Markup Language
Transfer Protocol
File Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Uniform Resource Locator (= web address)
World Wide Web
When an enumerated list is required, with each item (“definition”) to be placed on the same line as each number (“term”), a compacted list could be used:
and would look this way:

At times it is beneficial to create a list of related, indented terms which are not preceded by either bullets or numbers.  In such cases, non-emptydirectory list” tags may be used:
  • <DIR>directory list</DIR>: creates a directory listing where each entry is indented (on most browsers).  Directory lists may be nested inside directory lists or inside any other types of lists (one list inside of another list inside of another list).  On most browsers, a line space automatically is inserted before and after a directory list (that is, an entire line is skipped between a directory list and any text before and after it), except for (on many browsers) a list nested within another list. Note:  An example of directory lists nested within an unordered list may be seen by viewing the list of hyperlinks in the HTML source code of the initial page (“Ted’s HTML Tutorial”) of this portion of my web site.
The easiest way to understand directory list tags is to see that <DIR> tags indent the text coming after them, while </DIR> tags outdent the text coming after them.  The difference between <DIR> & </DIR> tags and <BLOCKQUOTE> & </BLOCKQUOTE> tags is that directory list tags indent only the left margin of the text between them, whereas blockquote tags indent both the left and right margins of the text between them. One example of a directory list is the table of contents of an HTML document, where each item in the table of contents is a hyperlink jumping directly to the site listed:
<FONT SIZE="4"><H2>Table of Contents</H2><DIR>
<A HREF="P-I">Part I</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-1">Chapter 1</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-1_S-A">Section A</A><BR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-1_S-B">Section B</A></DIR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-2">Chapter 2</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-2_S-A">Section A</A><BR>
<A HREF="P-I_C-2_S-B">Section B</A></DIR></DIR>
<A HREF="P-II">Part II</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-3">Chapter 3</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-3_S-A">Section A</A><BR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-3_S-B">Section B</A></DIR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-4">Chapter 4</A><DIR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-4_S-A">Section A</A><BR>
<A HREF="P-II_C-4_S-B">Section B</A></DIR></DIR></DIR></FONT>
and which would look like this when marked up:

Table of Contents

Part I Chapter 1 Section A
Section B
Chapter 2 Section A
Section B
Part II Chapter 3 Section A
Section B
Chapter 4 Section A Section B

HTML Anchor Tag Tutorial

The HTML anchor element is used to create a link to a resource (another web page, a file, etc.) or to a specific place within a web page.
The anchor tag is written like this:
The anchor tag alone won't do anything without an attribute and value, so let's look at the attributes we can use.

The HREF Attribute

To create a link, you have to know the web address of the file you want to link to, whether it's another web page of your own site, another website, or a link to file such as a PDF document, sound file, or another type of file. Suppose you wanted to link to the front page of my site. The web address is: You'd code the link like this:
<a href="">Boogie Jack</a>
The href part, shown in dark blue text, is short for hypertext reference. This is the attribute that defines the address of the file you want to link to.
The equal sign always connects an attribute to the attribute's value. So in this case, href is the attribute, and is the value. The value is always enclosed in quotation marks.
The Boogie Jack part, shown in green text, is the anchor text, or sometimes called the link text. This is the part of a link that is clickable.
If you link to a page on another site you need to use the full web address as shown in the example above. If you're linking to a different page on your own site you only need to use the page name and extension if the page is keep in the same directory.
For example, suppose you want to link to a page you've saved with the name of MyPage.html. You'd code it like this:
<a href="MyPage.html">My Page</a>
By linking to your own internal pages without using the full web address your pages will load faster. If you use the full web address the browser goes back out to the Internet to find your site all over again, which takes longer. If you don't use the full path the browser only checks on your site for the file.
File names, which includes the name of the web page and the extension, are case sensitive. That means you must use the same capitalization in the web address of the file that was used when the file was saved.

The NAME Attribute

The name attribute allows an anchor tag to be used to point to a specific place on a web page. You might link from the bottom of a long page to the top of the page, or link from an item in a Table of Contents to the corresponding item where it appears on the page. The syntax for using the name attribute is like this:
<a name="top"></a>  » or...
<a name="TOC">Table of Contents</a>
You can leave out the text between the "a" tags or use them to surround some text. The appearance of the text won't change unless you have defined a hover color for your links. If you have, then the text will change to the hover color when a user's cursor is on it. It will not be clickable, however, because this is not the link, this is the anchor a link will point to.
In thre first examply you would link to the top of a page from the bottom of a long page, and maybe other points in between so your visitors could jump back to the top instead of scrolling.
Or, you might place a named anchor as shown in the second example around the Table of Contents for an online newsletter, for example, then link to it from strategic places down the page so your visitors can quickly jump to the Table of Contents after reading an article.
For the newsletter example, to link to that named anchor you'd code your link like this:
<a href="#TOC">Table of Contents</a>
As you can see, it's simply a hash mark (#) in front of the actual anchor name. The hash mark tells the browser the link is on the current page.
You can also link to a named anchor on another page. The syntax for that is:
<a href="AnotherPage.html#name">Link Text</a>
That would be a page located in the same directory as the current page. You can link to anchor points on other sites (if they have an anchor point) by including the full web address of the page.
As you probably noticed, it's a normal link followed by the hash mark and the anchor name. That tells the browser to go to the other page, then to find the named anchor on that page.

The TARGET Attribute

The target attribute allows you to determine where the link will open. With a framed site, it allows you to target a link to a specific frame. The most common use is to have off-site links open in a new browser window. Here's how to open a link in a new window:
<a href="" target="_blank">Link Text</a>
By adding the part in green to a link, the link will open in a new window or a new tab, depending on the browser in use and how it's configured.

Friday 20 July 2012

Diffrence between value type and refrence type in

Value Type:

A Value Type stores its contents in memory allocated on the stack. When you created a Value Type, a single space in memory is allocated to store the value and that variable directly holds a value. If you assign it to another variable, the value is copied directly and both variables work independently. Predefined datatypes, structures, enums are also value types, and work in the same way. Value types can be created at compile time and Stored in stack memory, because of this, Garbage collector can't access the stack.


int x = 10;

Here the value 10 is stored in an area of memory called the stack.

Reference Type:

Reference Types are used by a reference which holds a reference (address) to the object but not the object itself. Because reference types represent the address of the variable rather than the data itself, assigning a reference variable to another doesn't copy the data. Instead it creates a second copy of the reference, which refers to the same location of the heap as the original value. Reference Type variables are stored in a different area of memory called the heap. This means that when a reference type variable is no longer used, it can be marked for garbage collection. Examples of reference types are Classes, Objects, Arrays, Indexers, Interfaces etc.


int[] iArray = new int[20];

In the above code the space required for the 20 integers that make up the array is allocated on the heap.

The picture shows a rough layout of a program in memory. The first four areas (Program Code, Static Data, Uninitialized Data and Stack) are fixed in size when the application is linked and the heap is what's left over.

This is for each application, but because of the way a CPU virtualizes memory, each application runs in its own space and sees itself as having access to all available ram.

The stack holds value type variables plus return addresses for functions. All numeric types, ints, floats and doubles along with enums, chars, bools and structs are value types.

The heap hold variables created dynamically- known as reference variables and mainly instances of classes or strings. These variables are stored in two places; there's a hidden pointer to the place in the heap where the data is stored.

Another distinction between value and reference type is that a value type is derived from System.ValueType while a reference type is derived from System.Object.

Data Types in .Net Value Types Reference Types
allocated on stack allocated on heap
a value type variable contains the data itself reference type variable contains the address of memory location where data is actually stored.
when you copy a value type variable to another one, the actual data is copied and each variable can be independently manipulated. when copying a reference type variable to another variable, only the memory address is copied. Both variables will still point to the same memory location, which means, if you change one variable, the value will be changed for the other variable too.
integer, float, boolean, double,struct etc are value types. string and object,class are reference types.

using System;
struct Struct1
    public int Value;
class Class1 {
    public int Value = 0;
class Test
    static void Main() {
        Struct1 v1 = new Struct1();
        Struct1 v2 = v1;
        v2.Value = 123;
        Class1 r1 = new Class1();
        Class1 r2 = r1;
        r2.Value = 123;
        Console.WriteLine("Values: {0}, {1}", v1.Value, v2.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Refs: {0}, {1}", r1.Value, r2.Value);
Here is the output:
Values: 0, 123
Refs: 123, 123

Pictorial Representation Of diffrence between value and refrence type

Pictorial Representation Of diffrence between Stack and Heap

Tuesday 17 July 2012

What is Tag in Html and What is SGML?

A command inserted in a document that specifies how the document, or a portion of the document, should be formatted. Tags are used by all format specifications that store documents as text files. This includes SGML and HTML.

Short forStandard Generalized Markup Language, a system for organizing and tagging elements of a document. SGML was developed and standardized by the International Organization for Standards (ISO) in 1986. SGML itself does not specify any particular formatting; rather, it specifies the rules for tagging elements. These tags can then be interpreted to format elements in different ways.

SGML is used widely to manage large documents that are subject to frequent revisions and need to be printed in different formats. Because it is a large and complex system, it is not yet widely used on personal computers. However, the growth of Internet, and especially the World Wide Web, is creating renewed interest in SGML because the World Wide Web uses HTML, which is one way of defining and interpreting tags according to SGML rules.

Text Formatting Tags

The following HTML tags are used to format the appearance of the text on your web page. This can jazz up the look of the web page, however, too much variety in the text formatting can also look displeasing.
Header - <h?> </h?>
There are 6 levels of headings available, from h1 for the largest and most important heading, down to h6 for the smallest heading.

Bold - <b> </b>
The text in between the tags will be bold, and stand out against text around it, the same as in a word processor.

Italic - <i> </i>
Also working the same way as a word processor, italics displays the text at a slight angle.

Underline - <u> </u>
Again, the same as underline in a word processor. Note that html links are already underlined and don't need the extra tag.

Strike-out - <strike> </strike>
Puts a line right through the centre of the text, crossing it out. Often used to show that text is old and no longer relevant. Also works by using <s> </s> instead.

Preformatted Text - <pre> </pre>

Any text between the pre tags, including spaces, carriage returns and punctuation, will appear in the browser as it would in a text editor (normally browsers ignore multiple spaces)

Source Code - <code> </code>
Similar to tt the text is displayed in a fixed-width font, and is commonly used to show source code. I have used it on this site, along with stylesheets, to show all tags.

Typewriter Text - <tt> </tt>
The text appears to have been typed by a typewriter, in a fixed-width font. For example: This text is written using the <tt></tt> tags.
Block Quote - <blockquote> </blockquote>
Defines a long quotation, and the quote is displayed with an extra wide margin on the left hand side of the block quote.

Small - <small> </small>
Instead of having to set a font size, you can use the small tag to render text slightly smaller than the text around it. Useful for displaying the 'fine-print'.

Font Colour - <font color="#??????"> </font> (*)
Change the colour of a few words or a section of text. The 6 question marks represent the hex color code, see this list of colours and codes for some samples. (*)
Font Size - <font size="?"> </font>
Replace the ? with a number from 1 to 7 to change the size of the font. One being the smallest and seven the largest. (*)
Font Size Change - <font size="+/-?"> </font>
For an immediate change of font size with respect to the font size preceding it, this tag increase or decreases the size of the font by the number you specify. Eg: <font size="-1">Some Text</font> (*)
Change Font Face - <font face="?"> </font>
To show text in a particular font, use the font name such "Helvetica" or "Arial" or "Courier". Be aware that using some fancy font from your computer means that the person viewing that page must also have that font installed on their computer too, otherwise it will look totally different to them. (*)

Centre - <center> </center>
A useful tag, as it says, it makes everything in between the tags centred (in the middle of the page). (*)
Emphasis - <em> </em>
Used to emphasize text, which usually appears in italics, but can vary according to your browser.
Strong Emphasis - <strong> </strong>
Used to emphasize text more, which usually appears in bold, but can vary according to your browser.

Friday 13 July 2012

Heading tags in html

They are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6, h1 being the almighty emperor of headings and h6 being the lowest pleb.

Change your code to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<title>My first web page</title>

<h1>My first web page</h1>

<h2>What this is</h2>
<p>A simple page put together using HTML</p>

<h2>Why this is</h2>
<p>To learn HTML</p>


Note that the h1 tag is only used once - it is supposed to be the main heading of the page and shouldn't be used multiple times.

h2 to h6 however, can be used as often as you desire, but they should always be used in order, as they were intended. For example, an h4 should be a sub-heading of an h3, which should be a sub-heading of an h2.

Add title into web page using html

To add a title to your page, change your code so that it looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<title>My first web page</title>

This is my first web page


We have added two new elements here, that start with the head tag and the title tag (and see how both of these close).

The head element (that which starts with the <head> opening tag and ends with the </head> tag) appears before the body element (starting with <body> and ending with </body>) and contains information about the page. The information in the head element does not appear in the browser window.

We will see later on that other elements can appear inside the head element, but the most important of them is the title element.

If you look at this document in the browser (save and refresh as before), you will see that "My first web page" will appear on the title bar of the window (not the actual canvas area). The text that you put in between the title tags has become the title of the document (surprise!). If you were to add this page to your 'favourites' (or 'bookmarks', depending on your browser), you would see that the title is also used there.

Html Code Structure


The basic structure of an HTML document includes tags, which surround content and apply meaning to it.

Change your document so that it looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
This is my first web page

Now save the document again, go back to the web browser and select "refresh" (which will reload the page).

The appearance of the page will not have changed at all, but the purpose of HTML is to apply meaning, not presentation, and this example has now defined some fundamental elements of a web page.

The first line on the top that starts <!DOCTYPE... is to let the browser know that you know what the hell you're doing. You may think that you don't actually know what you're doing yet, but it's important to stick this in. If you don't, browsers will switch into "quirks mode" and act in a very peculiar way. Don't worry about this just yet, you can learn more about "document types" in the HTML Advanced Tutorial if you really want to. For the moment, just remember to shove this line at the top of your web pages and you're laughin'.

To get back to the point, <html> is the opening tag that kicks things off and tells the browser that everything between that and the </html> closing tag is an HTML document. The stuff between <body> and </body> is the main content of the document that will appear in the browser window.
Closing tags

The </body> and </html> close their respective tags. ALL HTML tags should be closed. Although older versions of HTML lazily allowed some tags not to be closed, latest standards require all tags to be closed. This is a good habit to get into anyway.

Not all tags have closing tags like this (<html></html>) some tags, which do not wrap around content will close themselves. The line-break tag for example, looks like this : <br />. We will come across these examples later. All you need to remember is that all tags must be closed and most (those with content between them) are in the format of opening tag → content → closing tag.

Tags can also have attributes, which are extra bits of information. Attributes appear inside the opening tag and their value is always inside quotation marks. They look something like <tag attribute="value">Margarine</tag>. We will come across tags with attributes later.

Tags tend not to do much more than mark the beginning and end of an element. Elements are the bits that make up web pages. You would say, for example, that everything that is in-between and includes the <body> and </body> tags is the body element. As another example, whereas '<title>' and '</title>' are tags, '<title>Rumple Stiltskin</title>' is a title element.