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Saturday 11 August 2012

Display Property in CSS?

Property Values

Value Description Play it
none The element will not be displayed at all Play it »
block The element is displayed as a block element (like paragraphs and headers). A block element has some whitespace above and below it and does not tolerate any HTML elements next to it Play it »
inline This is default. The element is displayed as an inline element (like span). An inline element has no line break before or after it, and it tolerates HTML elements next to it Play it »
inline-block The element is placed as an inline element (on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block element
inline-table The element is displayed as an inline table  
list-item The element is displayed as a list-item, which means that it has a bullet in front of it Play it »
table The element is displayed as a table
table-caption The element is displayed as a table caption
table-cell The element is displayed as a table cell
table-column The element is displayed as a table column
table-column-group The element is displayed as a table column group (like <colgroup>)
table-footer-group The element is displayed as a table footer row group
table-header-group The element is displayed as a table header row group
table-row The element is displayed as a table row
table-row-group The element is displayed as a table row group
inherit The value of the display property will be inherited from the parent element

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