Best Industrial Training in C,C++,PHP,Dot Net,Java in Jalandhar

Sunday 2 September 2012

Csharp Interview Questions

1) What is .Net Framework? What are the parts of .Net Framework?

2) What is JIT? Why it is called just-in-time?

3) What are the differences between string and StringBuilder?

4) What are the differences between collections and generics?

5) What is boxing and unboxing?

6) Define value types and reference types.

7) Define operator overloading, function overloading.

8) What is inheritance?

9) What is abstract class? What are differences between abstract class and interface?

10) What are classes and objects?

11) Is multiple inheritance is possble in c#?

12) What are differences between structures and classes?

13) What are the enums?

14) What are the delegates? Explain its types?

15) What are the assemblies? What are the differences between private and shared assemblies?

16) What is Ado.Net? What are the components of

17) What are the differences between connected and disconnected architecture in Ado.Net?

18) What are the differences between DataSet and DataReader?

19) What is connection string?

20) What is connection pooling?

21) What is the difference between OLEDB Provider and SqlClient?

22) Name the method that needs to be invoked on the DataAdapter control to fill the generated DataSet with data?

23) What is the use of the Connection object?

24) What is the use of the CommandBuilder class?

25) What is Maximum Pool Size in ADO.NET Connection String?

26) Explain in brief DataAdapter class in ADO.NET.

27) Difference between ExecuteScalar() and ExecuteNonQuery()?

28) What is basic use of Data View?

29) How can we perform transactions in .NET?

30) What’s difference between Optimistic and Pessimistic locking?

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