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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Starting and Stopping the Server and Monitoring Server Activities in Linux

Starting and Stopping the Server
The procedure for starting and stopping the Apache Web server is no different from that of many other server processes. You can use the chkconfig command to set the httpd service to start at boot time.

The /etc/init.d/httpd shell script accepts any of five command-line arguments. If it is called with the argument start, the httpd script will run one master daemon process (owned by "root"), which will spawn other daemon processes (equal to the number specified by the StartServers directive) owned by the user apache (from the User andGroup directives). These processes are responsible for responding to incoming HTTP requests. If called with stop, the server will be shut down as all httpd processes are terminated.
If given a command-line argument of restart, the script will simply execute stop and start procedures in sequence. Using reload as the argument will send the hangup signal (-HUP) to the master httpd daemon, which causes it to reread its configuration files and restart all the other httpd daemon processes. The shell script also supports an argument of status, which will report if the daemon is running and, if it is, the PIDs of the running processes. All other command-line arguments result in an error and cause a usage message to be printed.

Monitoring Server Activities
Apache provides two unique built-in methods to check the performance of your Web server. The server-status handler can be configured to show information about server processes. The server-info handler can be configured to display a detailed summary of the Web server's configuration. You can activate these services by adding the following lines to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, respectively:
<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
<Location /server-info>
    SetHandler server-info
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
In this example, all computers in the domain can display the server-info and server-status pages. You can to the name of any domain or host that your Apache server is hosting.
Displaying server information
The Server Information (server-info) page contains the server version information and various general configuration parameters and breaks up the rest of the data by module. Each loaded module is listed, with information about all directives supported by that module, and the current value of any defined directives from that module.
The Server Information is usually quite verbose and contains much more information than can be displayed in Figure 21-3, which shows only the links to each module's section and the general Server Settings section.

Figure 21-3: The server-info page displays server and module information.
Displaying server status
The contents of the server-status page include version information for the server, the current time, a timestamp of when the server was last started, and the server's uptime. The page also details the status of each server process, choosing from several possible states (waiting for a connection, just starting up, reading a request, sending a reply, waiting to read a request before reaching the number of seconds defined in the KeepAliveTimeout, performing a DNS lookup, logging a transaction, or gracefully exiting).
The bottom of the server-status page lists each server by process ID (PID) and indicates its state, using the same possible values. Figure 21-4 is an example of this page.
Figure 21-4: The Apache server-status page displays general Apache information and reports on individual server process activities.

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