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Monday 15 July 2013

Scope resolution operator in c++

Scope resolution operator(::) is used to define a function outside a class or when we want to use a global variable but also has a local variable with same name.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char c = 'a';     // global variable
int main() {
  char c = 'b';   //local variable
  cout << "Local c: " << c << "\n";      
  cout << "Global c: " << ::c << "\n";  //using scope resolution operator
  return 0;

Scope resolution operator in class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class programming {
  void output();  //function declaration
// function definition outside the class 
void programming::output() {
  cout << "Function defined outside the class.\n";
int main() {
  programming x;
  return 0;

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